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9 Ways to Incorporate Laughter into Your Pregnancy Journey

Pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster ride, from the time you suspect you are pregnant to the time you hold the baby in your arms. The low of morning nausea becomes a huge high when you hear the heartbeat in your first sonogram. Only to be dampened by another big bout of lower back pain and fatigue. So there is a constant swing of emotions from one end to another, and all this can be exhausting. While everyone around you seems to be happy with your pregnancy, you struggle with it. While it is normal to feel a range of emotions when pregnant, you don’t have to be miserable. There are many ways to incorporate happiness and laughter into this overwhelming journey. Read below to find out how.

Can Pregnancy be a Happy Time?

Yes, it can be a truly difficult time for some women. But is that true for everyone? It depends on many factors that are outside of the pregnancy. Does happiness affect pregnancy? Yes. Women are happier when they transition to the role of mother when they feel loved unconditionally, have someone to comfort them when in distress, and have a partner who can be trusted. Apart from that, there are a few other circumstances that influence the happy feeling. It includes whether the pregnancy was intentional, if the age of the mother is appropriate, if she has a sound financial status, and if she is in a committed relationship. Bear in mind that even if you have all the reasons to be happy, sometimes you may still not feel it. That is also perfectly okay. That is because pregnancy is a mixed bag of feelings, and not everyone is happy.

Must Read : Laughing during Pregnancy – Benefits to Mom and Baby

9 Ways to Increase Happiness in your Pregnancy

Just because you have to ride through a wide variety of emotions, that does not mean you should not feel happy. Whether you are already feeling on top of the world or you are looking at ways to increase your happiness quotient during pregnancy, here are some suggestions:

1. Get a Prenatal Massage

When you are feeling sad, lonely, and anxious, a human touch can help make you feel better. When it is done properly, prenatal massage has many benefits. It can improve blood circulation, relax the muscles, ease stress, and reduce back pain and swelling in your feet. There are many studies that show the benefits of touch; it helps release happy hormones. It boosts milk production and also develops sensory awareness, which is good for delivery. Research also shows that moms who feel nurtured can transfer that feeling to the baby within.

2. Spend time Visualizing and Planning for Labor

While getting educated about things beforehand can make you feel anxious, knowing what will happen during labor can also put you at ease. So there is a thin line between getting anxious and becoming educated. The major benefit of planning and preparing for labor is that it helps you make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes, which in turn will make you happy. For instance, studies show that those who have continuous support during the pregnancy journey are happier.

3. Watch a Rib-Tickling Movie

Laughter is the best medicine, as it brings down blood pressure to optimal levels and also reduces the chances of heart issues. What makes it even better is that recent studies have shown that when you laugh, the baby finds it funny too. Experts say that when they watched the fetus using ultrasound, when the mom started laughing, the baby started bouncing up and down like on a trampoline. When moms saw that on the screen, they laughed harder, and that made the fetus even more happy, and they bounced faster. So remember this and try to remain as happy as you can. World Laughter Day is fast approaching, and you can find a whole bunch of funny movies that you can watch to laugh and get your fetus to laugh too!

4. Spending Quality Time with the People You Love

Spending a good amount of time with the people you love and care for helps you reduce stress and anxiety and makes you feel happy. Also, talking to a close person can help you get a few laughs in, and that is a sure shot way of boosting your mood. Also, spending time with loved ones helps you stay connected, and these are a source of encouragement and provide much-needed support during pregnancy. Studies have shown that when women have satisfying relationships, they transition better into motherhood.

5. Music as Therapy

There is an urban myth that listening to Mozart makes babies brainier. But what is for sure is that classical music has a soothing effect on the mother and the baby. It is said that babies as young as five months react to the rhythmic music of Vivaldi or Mozart. These rhythms have a calming effect on the baby as they sound similar to the mother’s heartbeat. While the baby is happy in the womb listening to music, the mother too can play her favorite number and let the happy hormones flow.

6. Go for Aromatherapy

Scents are powerful and can bring memories to your mind, which can reduce blood pressure. For instance, the smell of your favourite foods brings back fond memories. Try aromatherapy, as that will make you feel happy and, in turn, make the baby happy too.

7. Meditate

There is great importance of happiness during pregnancy, as it can affect the baby. Spend 20 to 30 minutes each day meditating, as that can increase DHEA, a mood-enhancing hormone. That makes the baby feel good, too. It reduces stress, anxiety, improves sleep, reduces pain, and makes you feel light and happy.

8. Have a Banana Smoothie

Good food makes you happy, and what better food than a banana smoothie? It is simple to make and tastes great, plus it is low-cal and a great energy booster. It is loaded with potassium, calcium, and other minerals that are great for the mother and the baby.

9. Exercise

Exercise affects mood positively, as it produces endorphins. It also reduces depression and anxiety, which all bring happiness.

Pregnancy is not an easy period, even if you are enjoying being pregnant. When you reach a low point, it is essential to have the tools to get back to a good place. That can happen through physical comfort measures and self-care. Follow the above ways to stay happy during pregnancy. By the way, Happy Laughter Day!

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