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At Cloudnine, we take pride in having some of India’s best and most experienced neonatology specialists.
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Dr. R. Kishore Kumar

Dr. R. Kishore Kumar

MBBS, DCH(Mysore), MD (Paed. Gold Medallist), DCH (London), MRCP (Paed.), MRCPCH (UK), FRCPCH (UK), FRCPI, FRCP (Australia)
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Dr. Piyush Jain

Dr. Piyush Jain

MBBS, MD - Pediatrics, DM - Neonatology
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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 Dr. Khusboo Kapasi

Dr. Khusboo Kapasi

MBBS, MD pediatrics, Fellowship in Neonatal Intensive Care, Certificate course in pediatric nutrition (PGPN) from Boston University School of Medicine. Certificate course in Neonatology based on Pediatrics in Review from American Academy of Pediatrics.
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
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Dr. Shashidhar Vishwanath

Dr. Shashidhar Vishwanath

Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Dr. Spoorti Kapate

Dr. Spoorti Kapate

MBBS, MD Paediatrics, Fellowship in Neonatology
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Electronic City
Dr. Nandita Patwari

Dr. Nandita Patwari

M.B.B.S (GMCH, ASSAM), MD Paediatrics (AMCH, ASSAM), Fellowship Neonatology(NNF), MNNF, MRCPCH (UK),
Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Sarjapur Road
Dr. Prashant Vasant Bhamare

Dr. Prashant Vasant Bhamare

Advance Gynae Endoscopic Surgeon
Allied Services
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Dr. Ankur Gupta

Dr. Ankur Gupta

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), Fellowship in Neonatology (NNF), RCPCH Fellowship in Neonatology (UK), PGPN (USA), EMPH (USA)
Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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New Delhi
Dr. Amit Jayasingrao Nigade

Dr. Amit Jayasingrao Nigade

MBBS, FCPS(Child Health), MD (Peadiatrics), Clinical Fellowship in Neontaology & Perinatology
Pediatric Care
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Kalyani Nagar, SB Road
Dr. Gopal Agrawal

Dr. Gopal Agrawal

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), DM (Neonatology)
Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Sector 47, Sector 14, Golf Course Road
Dr. Manish Ramteke

Dr. Manish Ramteke

MBBS, MS - Pediatric, Fellowship in Neonatology
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Kalyani Nagar, SB Road
Dr. Rahul Shamrao Zanje

Dr. Rahul Shamrao Zanje

Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Kalyani Nagar
Dr. D Malathi Raja

Dr. D Malathi Raja

MBBS, DNB (Paediatrics)
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Old Airport Road
Dr. Nilesh Rao

Dr. Nilesh Rao

MBBS,MD,Fellowship in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Old Airport Road, Kanakapura Road
Dr. Amitoj Singh Chhinna

Dr. Amitoj Singh Chhinna

Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Bellandur, Old Airport Road
Dr. Ujwal M V

Dr. Ujwal M V

MBBS,MD Pediatrics, Fellowship in Neonatology
Pediatrician and Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Old Airport Road
Dr. Sorabh Goel

Dr. Sorabh Goel

MBBS, MD Pediatric, DM Neonatology.
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
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Sector 5 Swastik Vihar
Dr. Sahil Bansal

Dr. Sahil Bansal

MD Pediatrics , Neonatology Fellowship IAP
Pediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Sector 5, Swastik Vihar
Dr. Mohd Aamir

Dr. Mohd Aamir

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics, Fellowship Neonatology) NNF INDIA, Fellowship Neonatology RCPCH UK, London
Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Pediatric Care
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Sector 14
Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani

Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani

Pediatric Care
Neonatal Care
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Industrial Area Phase II

Best Hospital for Intensive Care in India (NICU/PICU)

At Cloudnine, we are equipped to handle the most complicated neonatal cases. Our Department of Neonatology runs state-of-the-art Level III Newborn Intensive Care Units (NICU), certified by the National Neonatology Forum as the highest level of intensive care. The NICU provides care to neonatal babies who are born prematurely or need some special treatment. 

With an entire ecosystem tailored to provide critical life support, specialised care for infants born as early as 27 to 30 weeks, treatment for serious illnesses and full-spectrum respiratory support including high-frequency ventilation and advanced imaging, Cloudnine is counted amongst the best neonatal care hospitals in India. The facility comes fully equipped with monitoring facilities and advanced incubators ensuring all your baby’s medical needs are met. For babies who need breathing support, ventilator management by experienced technicians and blood gas analyzers are provided. 

A dedicated team of neonatologists, paediatric surgeons, paediatric medical subspecialists, paediatric anesthesiologists, neonatal nurses and paediatric ophthalmologists take care of the baby around the clock. Their combined expertise and the advanced healthcare equipment in the NICU are crucial when it comes to ensuring the survival of newborns who are facing complications at birth.

We are certified by the National Neonatology Forum as the highest level of intensive care.

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"We gave birth here in Cloudnine Hospital. We are very thankful to Dr. Somalika Pal. The thing that we liked about her was the leadership, dedication and composure that she showed. We were fortunate to have had her take care of our baby. We could not be more glad that she was available. We cannot thank you enough for everything she and her pediatric team have done. Anyone would be lucky to have their children cared for by Dr. Somalika Pal"

Mrs. Angelica Roy

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"Our babies were delivered prematurely, so they needed NICU support. We are very grateful to Dr. Mohit Singhal, as the babies are healthy and safe.* He kept us well-informed throughout. He was very approachable. The doctor helped us a lot and was like an angel. Thank you, Dr. Mohit Singhal, for making us a happy family. Thanks a lot, doctor, and thanks a lot, Cloudnine Hospital"

B/O Shweta Singh

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"We were blessed with a baby boy, but there were some complications initially. Dr. Mohit Singhal was kind enough to take care of my child. My boy is doing very well now. The staff of Cloudnine Hospital was so helpful to me, I really appreciate it. Thank you"

Mrs. Ria Aich

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"Our baby was born in Cloudnine Hospital, Kailash Colony. Unfortunately, we had a preterm baby. Our baby was fortunate to be under the care of Dr. Vinay Kumar Rai in NICU for thirteen days and he recovered so well. Dr. Vinay Kumar Rai took excellent care of our kid. I recommend Cloudnine Hospital, Kailash Colony to everyone"

Mrs. Sakshi

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"My baby was delivered prematurely so she had breathing problems and very severe infection. She was treated by Dr. Vinay Kumar Rai. From the start he was very supportive and treated her very well. The behaviour of the hospital staff too, was incredible. We always felt that the baby was with her own family. I recommend Cloudnine Hospital for good facilities and cost-effective treatment"

H/O Mrs. Pooja

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"My child is 40 days old. All the staff were very good. Dr. Vinay Kumar Rai was very helpful. When my baby was born, we were worried about him but today he is in very good health. All the doctors were very helpful and supportive. All the staff and doctors cared for our baby very well because of which he is healthy and well today"

Mrs. Syed Nooria

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Videos by our doctors

शिशुओं में कैल्शियम की कमी हाइपोकैल्सीमिया के लक्षण | डॉ. नितिन गुप्ता
"ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ एक नूबोर्न बेबी के ब्लड में कैल्शियम की कमी होने को बोलते हैं | ये जादातर तब होता है जब खून में कैल्शियम ८ मिलीग्राम पैर डेसीलिटर से काम होता है | इसके कारण दो तरीके से हो सकते हैं | एक अगर पहले ७२ घंटे में सिम्प्टम आ रहा है ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ के तो उसमे माँ के कारण या पैदा होने के वक़्त की दिक्कत आने के कारण हो सकता है | इसमें गेस्टेशनल डायबिटीज एक कारण हो सकता है | प्रीमेच्योर की वजह से हो सकता है | या बच्चे के न रोने की वजह से हो सकता है | जो लेट ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ होता है वो ७२ घंटे के बाद देखने को मिलता है | इसमें जादातर प्रीमेच्योर, कोई ब्लड ट्रांसफ्यूज़न कोई बच्चे की दवाई की वजह से कैल्शियम की कमी होना | बच्चे को गायें या भैंस का दूध देने की वजह से कैल्शियम की कमी होना | या कोई हार्मोनल इम्बैलेंस या विटामिन डी डेफिशियेंसी की वजह से भी हो सकता है | ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ के सिम्पटम्स में दौरे आने हाथ पैर के झटके लगने, अच्छे से फीड न लेना एब्नार्मल तरीके से रोना बच्चे का ज़ादा सुस्त होना या ज़ादा टेम्परेचर काम हो जाना एक सिम्पटम्स हो सकते हैं | ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ का ट्रीटमेंट एक अच्छे नूबोर्न केयर सेटिंग में हो सकता है | इसके लिए कुछ ब्लड टेस्ट करने पड़ते हैं जो ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ के लिए कारण ढूंढ़ने के लिए ज़रूरी है | एक प्रॉपर मॉनिटरिंग करनी पड़ती है और ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ की सेवरिटी के हिसाब से हमें या तो ड्रिप में कैल्शियम करेक्शन देना पड़ता है | या हम मुँह की दवाई से कैल्शियम करेक्शन कर सकते हैं"
गर्भावस्था के दौरान डायबिटीज होने से बच्चे को होते हैं | डॉ. नितिन गुप्ता
"इन्फेंट ऑफ़ डायबिटिक मदर वो बच्चे होते हैं जो जिन माओं को पहले से डायबिटीज की बीमारी चल रही हो या जिनको प्रेगनेंसी में डायबिटीज की बीमारी शुरू होती है उन् बच्चो को कुछ कम्प्लीकेशन आने का चांस होता है | ये कम्प्लीकेशन जादातर अगर माँ को पहले से डायबिटीज हो या पहले तीन महीनो में जब डायबिटीज शुरू होती है उन् बच्चो में कम्प्लीकेशन होने का थोड़ा ज़ादा चांस होते हैं | इसका कॉज के पीछे एक थ्योरी है जिसको हम बोलते हैं मैटरनल ह्य्पेर्ग्ल्य्समिअ फीटल ह्य्पेर्ग्ल्य्समिअ फीटल ह्यपेरिंसुलिनेमिअ थ्योरी | इसका मतलब होता है की मदर की शुगर लेवल ज़ादा होने की वजह से पेट में पल रहे बच्चे की पहले शुगर लेवल बढ़ती है और उसकी वजह से बच्चे की बॉडी में जो इन्सुलिन के बनने की जो मात्रा होती है वो बढ़ने लग जाती है | जो ये ये इन्सुलिन बढ़ता है उसकी बॉडी में उसकी वजह से बॉडी में कुछ बदलाव आते हैं जो ये कम्प्लीकेशन पैदा करते हैं | इनमे जो कॉम्प्लीकेशन्स आ सकती हैं उनमे है हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया यानी की शुगर काम होना | ह्य्पोकाल्सेमिअ यानी कैल्शियम की कमी होना | ह्य्पोमैगनेसेमिअ यानी मैग्नीशियम काम होना "
प्रीमैच्‍योर बेबी में किन बीमारियों का खतरा ज्यादा है | डॉ. नूपुर गोयल
"जो प्रीटर्म बेबी होते है ३७ वीक से पहले हुआ होता है | जो बच्चा टाइम से पहले हुआ होता है उसके ऑर्गन्स िम्मातुरे होते हैं | जो लंग्स होते हैं तो जब बच्चा क्राई करता है इतने अच्छे से एक्सपैंड नहीं कर पात्ता है | उसकी वजह से बच्चे को सांस लेने में जनम के टाइम पे दिक्कत होती है | दूसरा है की ये बच्चे में जो सर्फेक्टेंट प्रोटीन होता है वो पूरी तरह से नहीं बना होता उसकी वजह से उसको सांस लेने में दिक्कत होती है | बिरथ पे उसको ऑक्सीजन की रेक्विरेमेंट हो सकती है | बच्चे को एक मशीन होती है कपप और बच्चे को वेंटीलेटर रेक्विरेमेंट हो सकती है और स्पेशल दरूग लिखे सफैटेंट भी देना पड़ सकता | दूसरा बच्चे के सारे ऑर्गन्स नहीं ढंग से बनने की वजह से शुगर का जो स्टोरेज होता है वो काम होता है उसकी वजह से शुगर का लेवल काम हो सकता है | बच्चे का जो उप्पर सबक्यूटेनियस फैट होता है वो भी काम होता है जिसकी वजह से बच्चे को ठंडा पड़ सकता है | टेम्परेचर मेन्टेन नहीं कर पाटा बच्चा"
What is WEANING?|When to introduce SOLID FOOD? | Dr. Mahishma K
"Parent is introducing new foods to the child at 6 months of age. So as everybody knows and that is what we follow regularly till 6 months of age. Breastfeeding is the only food that the child will take not even water is given to child it's only milk. So after 6 months of age we start introducing foods to the child. That is called as weaning. However this beaning does not mean that we stop breast milk. Along with breast milk we'll start introducing new foods to the child. Breastfeeding can be continued till 2 years of age. So foods which can be given to the child at this age is we usually try to keep it simple introduce one item per time so that you don't introduce multiple items to the child. Their gut has to get used to the new foods. So usually we say to give one item preferably start with rice based foods like in Telugu we commonly say it as huku. So rice based cereal it can be made at home or you get a packaged once preferably homemade is very healthy for the child and it will have less side effects too the consistency should be soft initially. Then with growing age we'll make it a semi solid then finger foods and then they can take hard foods like chapati. So the idea is to make the child eat whatever we as a family eat by one year of age but at a softer consistency. So along with the cereal based once you start with rice based cereals then you can go for multi- grain or add millets like ragi wheat or you can add wheat but preferably first start with rice and then go to wheat and then other millets like ragi. The second thing is by 8 to 9 months of age please start introducing the child with finger foods like cut vegetables which are boiled so that they can pick up the food and eat also non vegetarians if they want want to start with non-veg food. You can start introducing egg yolk at 8 months 6 months or 7 months of age and then start introducing egg white by 8 to 9 months of age. Non-vegetarian food like meat also can be introduced by 9 to 12 months of age. However it has to be shredded soft with no bones make sure there are no bones at all you have to double check that and then give it at a softer consistency they can be given water after 6 months of age. But no nuts to be given because usually they're allergic and these are small things which can get stuck in their throat. So we advise not to give any aerated drinks or nuts to the child at this age the idea again is to keep the child eating family food by one year of age by step by step taking and by giving one food at a time or not introducing all the foods in one week we start introducing the child to foods which we eat"
What does a Healthy and Balanced diet look like for children? | Dr. Mahishma K
So a balanced diet will essentially include five different groups of food that is vegetables, fruits, dairy products, proteins and grains. So anything which is lacking then we cannot call it as a balanced diet and it will not help in growth and development of the child. The essential need is growing age a child will require proteins. More younger child will require a little less calories than older child. So as per the age the balanced diet will differ and change and we have to keep adjusting with their growing age. However the primary idea is to contain all these five items in your daily diet. If there is any medical need or by choice if you are excluding for say example dairy is excluded then you'll have to put an alternative. For them adjustments be based on our choices and medical needs is the way to go about for a balanced diet. Primarily including all these five groups also the other important things to remember is to limit their junk food because junk food usually contains saturated fats which are not good for their health. Limiting their salt intake and limiting excessive sugars will help in keeping a balanced diet"
What are the symptoms of Iron deficiency in children? | Dr. Mahishma K
"So iron is an essential element which is required for body's growth and development it will help in maintaining our hemoglobin too . So how do we check for iron levels in the child is we do not regularly screen for iron levels in the child until unless there are at risk like preterm babies or those who are a little underweight we then go for screening of iron levels. Testing of the blood levels is the only way which we will know if they're deficient of iron. So how do we prevent is one common thing is in our country especially deworming has to be done regularly every specifically every 6 months or at least preferably once a year at least deworming should be done because if the deworming is not done intestinal worms will cause malnutrition and anemia ultimately. So that is one thing which we have to do to prevent iron deficiency anemia. The second thing is including an iron rich diet iron rich diet will include dairy products spinach green leafy vegetables grains chickpeas. All these are containing rich iron sources. So including iron in your diet will help in reducing iron deficiency anemia atrisk babies like preterm term babies for those who are underweight we usually screen them and then start them on iron supplements at a young age to prevent iron deficiency anemia some of the symptoms which you can identify in children and help them bring to the doctor at an early time is they will become fatigued. Most common symptoms will be fatigue, breathlessness. Severe anemia can cause breathlessness so these are some of the signs which you have to keep in mind to bring them at an early time to the Paediatrician"

Best NICU/PICU Speciality Hospital/Clinic for Children/Pediatric/Baby Care in India | Best Online Doctor Video Consultation 24/7 | Cloudnine Hospitals

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

What is NICU?

NICU stands for newborn intensive care unit. This is a place in a hospital that provides around-the-clock care to sick or premature babies. It has doctors and paramedical staff who have special training and equipment to give your baby the best possible care.

What is the difference between ICU and NICU?

ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit and is designed to cater to critically ill adults. NICU, on the other hand, is designed to cater to newborn babies who need critical treatment.

What is the difference between PICU and NICU?

PICU stands for Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. In the PICU infants and children, up to 17 years old are treated by doctors. In a NICU, only newborns are provided critical care.

What is Level III NICU?

A level III NICU cares for very small babies, infants born as early as 27 to 30 weeks or very sick newborns. Level 3 NICUs have a wide variety of staff on-site, including neonatologists, neonatal nurses, and respiratory therapists who are available 24 hours a day.

Which babies need Level III NICUs?

Infants born at less than 32 weeks gestational age and weighing less than 1500 grams as well as critically ill newborns of any gestational age and birth weight, should be taken care of in a level III NICU.

What are some common health conditions babies have in the NICU?

Some common conditions treated at NICU are Anaemia, Breathing problems, Apnea, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), Pneumonia, Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), Bradycardia, Coarctation of the aorta, Heart valve abnormalities, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), Septal defects, Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of the great arteries, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Sepsis, Macrosomia, Jaundice, Gastroschisis, Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) and so on.

What tests are done in the NICU?

Some common tests done in the NICU are blood tests, CT scans, echocardiograms, ECG, hearing tests, MRI, ROP exams, ultrasound, X-rays, urine tests and so on.

How can I breastfeed my baby in the NICU?

It depends on the baby’s medical condition and how well they can suck and swallow. If your baby can directly breastfeed, that is the best option. If your baby cannot breastfeed directly, you can feed her breast milk that you pump from your breasts using a bottle. Some babies may need a feeding tube and you can feed your pumped breast milk using that tube. 

For babies who are very small or sick, the baby can only receive nutrients through an intravenous line (IV).

What is newborn jaundice?

Newborn or neonatal jaundice is very common and causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Other symptoms of newborn jaundice can include dark, yellow urine and pale stools. The symptoms of newborn jaundice usually develop 2 days after the birth and tend to get better without treatment by the time the baby is about 2 weeks old.

It is caused by the build-up of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is common in newborn babies because babies have a high number of red blood cells in their blood, which are broken down and replaced frequently. Also, a newborn baby's liver is not fully developed, so it's less effective at removing the bilirubin from the blood.

My baby’s skin is peeling off. Is that ok?

When your baby is in the womb, it is covered in a baby moisturiser called vernix. After delivery, this layer slowly wears off and it appears that the baby’s skin is “peeling” or “moulting”. This shedding of old skin is completely normal and there is no need to apply any lotions or creams.