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When ‘Normal’ Became The Norm

December 7, 2023

There’s a little cherub that has arrived newly into this world. Sarita is looking at the crib that holds her precious newborn, rocking it gently every time she hears the little one cry. She sits on the plush suite at the comfortable, as her family gushes over the new one, wondering who he looks like. She thinks about all the months of her pregnancy, her fears, her anxiety and all the build-up towards the day her baby was born. Surprise, surprise, Sarita managed the unthinkable -- she delivered her baby normally!

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The Preparation


Through this exercise, Dr. Maljini did not just help the couple make an informed choice, but also ensured that Sarita put her fears aside and do what she had to do - push! So, what all did Dr. Maljini take into consideration and how did she convince someone who had a case of extreme fear of pain? Read on.

Normal Vs Cesarean: The Better Choice

To begin with, a cesarean section for birth is not normally the most preferred one. Normal delivery is the best way and the most ‘normal’ choice. There are a number of reasons why cesarean sections become a necessity:

  1. When the baby is too large, or the mother’s pelvic region is too small. Either of these reasons could leave the baby stuck, leading to complications. These factors are determined beforehand and mothers-to-be are counselled and prepared for a c-section much in advance.
  2. Cesareans are also opted for when there is a danger to the mother or baby or both like infections, when the baby passes meconium or stool inside the womb or any other complications. When the umbilical cord wraps around the baby’s neck - that’s also when the obstetrician could call for a c-section. Lack of ‘water’ or fluids inside the sac could also cause a c-section.
  3. Incorrect foetal position could also cause the obstetrician to go for a cesarean. The normal position for baby to take towards the end of term is a head down. However, due to many reasons, the baby could either be buttocks or feet down, or be in a transverse lie position - in which the head and the feet are on either side of the abdomen.
  4. Expecting multiples (twins, triplets etc) could also warrant for a cesarean in the obstetrician deems fit.
  5. Other reasons could include any pre-existing condition that the mother has, any emergency and sometimes, even the age.

In Sarita’s case, except for her advanced age, there was no complication which made her a perfect candidate for a normal delivery. What makes normal delivery the best choice is because unlike c-sections, women are on the path to recovery sooner and can start bonding with the newborn early. It’s beneficial for the baby too, as the vaginal birth can squeeze out fluids built up in the baby’s lungs. The journey of the baby from the womb to the vagina exposes him or her to several beneficial bacteria, strengthening their immunity too.

Who Decides The Pain Threshold?

Women might have a certain perception of the pain tolerance levels, but nobody, not even the woman herself knows for sure. Women are, by design, wired to withstand and survive labour pains. Fear of pain might cloud their belief, but with proper counselling, it is not impossible. Therefore, before locking the option of cesarean, women should talk to their obstetricians, take in all the information and then make an informed choice.

The Birth: How It Happened

Presented with all this information, Sarita knew it would be wrong, and almost dangerous on her part to ignore the opinion of Dr. Maljini. Over her sessions Sarita had grown to trust Dr. Maljini and her words seemed to come from not just her medical knowledge, but from the many babies he had delivered in the past. Thanks to the counselling sessions presented logically to her, at last, Sarita realised that it would only make sense to rely completely on Dr. Maljini and leave everything at her hands. Dr. Maljini’s confidence along with the expertise of the support staff gave her the nudge she needed. Within a few hours of the big decision, Sarita had not just braved through labour like a warrior, she had delivered the beautiful baby that elevated her to the position of motherhood.

we never judge women for the choices we make. But, when there is a healthier and better alternative, our doctors try their best to lay down the facts and express their honest opinion with the best interests of their patients in mind. We promote healthy deliveries and help patients make the right choice, without ever pressuring them.

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