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Second Month: Uncomfortable Symptoms That'll Pass!

And before you know it, a month has already passed by. The second month of pregnancy is not very different from the first one. As mentioned earlier, you might not even realize that you’re pregnant. As the journey towards parenthood progresses, the symptoms you felt in the first month, will continue to persist and more so.

Book an online appointment with Dr. Samatha Kumar for Pregnancy & Gynecology related issues.

How Are You Likely To Feel In The Second Month?


You are likely to experience mixed emotions, anxiety, hormonal changes, and minute physical changes. Other symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Morning sickness
  • Dizziness
  • Frequent urination
  • Food cravings or aversions
  • Mood swings
  • Slight white vaginal discharge
  • Acne
  • Chronic stuffy nose
  • Constipation
  • Soft gums

You might develop an aversion to the taste of alcohol or the smell of smoke, which is actually good because they’re harmful to your growing baby. You might start observing certain physical changes like breasts becoming fuller and larger, nipples becoming more prominent, and small nodules appearing on the brown part of your breasts surrounding the nipples. Your hair might become unmanageable and your gums will become softer because of the hormones in your body, which is why good dental hygiene is very important during pregnancy. Hormones during pregnancy also tend to make the digestive system less efficient, causing constipation. Ensure you consume a high-fiber diet and stay hydrated.

It has also been observed that at some point during pregnancy, women also develop varicose veins, caused by increased blood volume and elevated hormone levels. Varicose veins can be prevented by regular exercise.

Some women, on the other hand, experience clearer skin towards the end of the month, which is also commonly known as the ‘pregnancy glow’.

What Is Happening In Your Uterus In The Second Month?

In the second month, cells in the ovaries continue to produce a hormone called progesterone, which is important to maintain your pregnancy. The amount of blood that is circulating in your body will continue to increase to meet the needs of your unborn baby. This increase in blood volume will make you feel warmer. You might notice a slight swelling in your abdomen. In the second month of your pregnancy, your uterus is likely the size of an orange. The baby is moving gently but not enough for you to feel it.

Your little baby which is just a fetus right now, develops their facial features like the mouth, tongue, and nose. Their eyelids close over and will not open for several months. The buds of their ears will grow more into the semblance of an ear. In addition to their little fingers and toes, even toenails will grow. The fetus may start making small movements, but you won’t be able to feel these movements yet.

By the end of the 2nd month of your pregnancy, your baby’s organs, skeleton, and limbs will be in place. The placenta will have also formed and provided nutrients to the baby for the rest of your pregnancy.

It’s Also Time To Prepare For Your First Medical Visit!

It is probably now that you’ve realized that you’re pregnant! Which calls for an appointment as soon as possible. From now onwards till the end of your second trimester, you should visit your Ob/Gyn once a month. This month, your Ob/Gyn may ask you questions about your and your family’s medical history and the nature of your job to check for any potential risks to your pregnancy. They might ask you for the following tests to be done:

  • Urine and blood tests to confirm the pregnancy and check for conditions that could affect your pregnancy
  • A pelvic examination to check for cysts, and assess the pelvic bones, vagina, and cervix
  • A Pap smear during the pelvic examination, to rule out abnormalities of the cervix, and swabs to check for infection
  • Measure and monitor your weight: About 0.5 kg to 1 kg of weight gain per month in the first trimester. Some may lose weight due to morning sickness.
  • Your blood pressure
  • Urine test to check the following:

         . Protein, which may indicate kidney problems or pregnancy-induced hypertension

          . Sugar, which is a sign of diabetes

  • Routine blood testing is done to assess the following:

          . Hemoglobin and iron level, to check for anemia

          . Infectious diseases such as HIV or hepatitis B

          . ABO blood grouping and rhesus (Rh) factor

          . Immunities, especially to rubella and chickenpox

          . Genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia

The experience of pregnancy is different for everyone, yours is going to be different too. You’d have questions about how you’re feeling or something different that happened to you. This is when you can take all your questions to your Ob/Gyn’s table and she’d be able to put your concerns to rest.

All your medical check-ups and results from now on will be added to the medical record of your pregnancy.

Concerns This Month: What Should You Watch Out For?

Bleeding: You are likely to experience vaginal bleeding in the initial months. This may range from light spotting to severe bleeding with clots. Specifically, in your second month of pregnancy, there can be a number of causes for vaginal bleeding, these are: Bleeding after sex: Bleeding after having sex is common during pregnancy because the cervix is more prone to bleeding on contact.

Miscarriage: Miscarriage is a very serious cause of bleeding in the first trimester. The most common reason for miscarriage is a problem with the chromosomes in the embryo. Other reasons for miscarriage could be hormonal problems.

Morning sickness: You might experience nausea or vomiting which usually starts when you’re around 6 weeks pregnant and its symptoms usually start to improve during the second trimester. You might face some of these problems or you might face none of them at all. Even though these are not pleasant experiences, they are a normal part of being pregnant, and you may only experience some of them.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
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  10. Top Gynecologist In Delhi
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Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bengaluru
  2. Best Maternity Packages in Chandigarh
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