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Overcoming The Fear Of Pregnancy: Here’s Everything You Can Do

Getting married is easily one of the most significant decisions of a woman’s life. With marriage comes responsibility, the need to make tweaks to your life and looking at life with a different lens. In India, marriage also brings about the question on the timelines of ‘good news’, reminders of which are often served with smiles, scorns and even eye rolls.

While many women easily transition into the role of a wife and then subsequently a mother, many women take their own time inviting these reminders and living under a lot of pressure. Before we move on to the blog around who you as a woman can overcome the fear of pregnancy, here is a quick word: pregnancy, again, is a significant decision and it’s essential that you take this step forward when you are ready and not because you are under pressure.

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The intention of this blog is to help you overcome any fear that you might relate to pregnancy, not to succumb to the pressures of the society.

When you plan a pregnancy and conceive, the feeling is completely different - you have what you had wanted. However, when there is an unexpected pregnancy, chances are high that you are either not ready, or are filled with fear that prevents you from feeling the happiness of bringing a beautiful life into this world. If you have conceived unexpectedly and are feeling scared, or are afraid to get pregnant, please don’t feel bad about yourself. You are not alone. Many women experience this feeling. Let’s take a look at the most common fears surrounding pregnancy.

The Fear Of Pain


This undoubtedly is one of the most common fears associated with pregnancy, irrespective of whether it was planned, unexpected or simply a future occurrence. Pains in pregnancy are real - your breasts, abdomen, feet, head and many other body parts will hurt during pregnancy. The next part is delivery where both a normal delivery as well as birthing via C section will cause pain.

Now, time for some good news. Woman, your body is made to be able to brave through this fear. You are strong enough to endure this and bring a baby into this world, so just trust your body and let it do its thing. Your threshold for pain is far higher than you think it is, so go with the flow and try not to focus on the fear so much. Thousands of women give birth everyday and so can you.

Apart from that, there are a lot of ways to manage the pain during pregnancy and your doctor will help you understand that. Just have a candid conversation with your Ob/Gyn and figure out a way.

When it comes to fear of labor pain, there is a  way to overcome that too. With several birthing techniques like water birth and hypnobirth, the labor pain is managed very well. Discuss these options with your doctor and make a birth plan accordingly. You can also take several classes like prenatal yoga classes to help your body prepare itself for a smoother delivery.

The Fear Of Changes To Your Body

Again, a very real fear and a big possibility, for some women, the fact that pregnancy can bring about a big change to the way they look can also be a deterrent to enjoying pregnancy. Pregnancy will cause your breasts to become bigger, preparing to nourish your child. Your belly will expand to create more room for your baby. You might end up having varicose veins, constipation, pimples and even piles. If you think these things are put upfront to dissuade you, then no, they are not. This is a picture of reality, but while this is just one side, the other side of all these things is the addition of a lovely new member to your family.

Once you go through the process of delivery, you will notice that the breasts, the stretch marks, the labor pain - everything is a blur. The little smiles and the cute babbles will fill your heart and your phone’s memory for them to be significant anymore.

Other than than, there are medical solutions to help take care of these problems. The use of good quality bras, lotions and creams and medications can help manage most of these bodily changes as well as the emotional roller coaster that your cranky hormones can take you on. Relax, talk to your doctor and stay calm.

The Fear Of Failure

The most unspoken about, yet one of the biggest fears around pregnancy, this is one of the reasons why many women hesitate to think about starting a family. Becoming a mother is no mean feat - the thought of having a little one completely dependent on you can be beautiful but daunting at the same time.

Right from holding the baby to feeding them, changing their diapers, understanding why they are crying, you are looking at at least 20 years of commitment towards your child. While that might seem like a mountain of a task with several ‘ what ifs’ crossing your mind, please remember that no mother in the history of mankind had a baby delivered with a manual, right? You will figure it out on your own and these maternal instincts will guide you in making the best possible decisions for your baby.

In Case You Are Concerned, Here Are A Few Things You Could Do.

  • Join prenatal classes - yoga, breastfeeding etc. These classes will give you more confidence.
  • Meditate. This will help calm your nerves and think clearly.
  • Talk. Engaging in a conversation with either your loved ones or your doctor will help feel better as well as clarify many doubts that you have.
  • Learn. Reading and knowing things can help create a big difference and help you look at things from a fresh perspective.

We at the Birthplace are here for you if you need help. Reach out to us by booking an appointment and we will take care of you and all your fears.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
  3. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Mumbai
  4. Top Gynecologists near me in Pune
  5. Best Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chandigarh
  6. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists near me in Gurgaon
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  9. Best Gynecologist in Ludhiana
  10. Top Gynecologist In Delhi
  11. Top Gynecologists in Faridabad
  12. Best Gynecologists in Hyderabad

Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bengaluru
  2. Best Maternity Packages in Chandigarh
  3. Best Maternity Packages in Chennai
  4. Best Maternity Packages in Faridabad
  5. Best Maternity Packages in Gurugram
  6. Best Maternity Packages in Hyderabad
  7. Best Maternity Packages in Ludhiana
  8. Best Maternity Packages in Mumbai
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  12. Best Maternity Packages in Pune
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