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Bonding in the "Womb"

December 3, 2020

10 months 10 days, a mother keeps waiting desperately for the little one to appear out from the feeling that is inside her. A feeling which is indeed a story for others.  A feeling which is usually termed as BONDING IN THE "WOMB".

As I entered into my 1st pregnancy, I had already established a bond with my little one.  Though unaware, of who the angel was! I had its name in my mind. I had read in many articles, that talking to the little one in the womb, creates a bond early. Yet, due to the old midwife's tales that follow, it had me walk into many doubts.

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I could feel my little one, respond to my touch, words and mood. I could make the little one move as and when I needed assurance of his well being. When I shared the same with others, the response was " Oh well, it is your deep love which makes you think so." "THINK!!!

"It did leave me sad at times, wondering, was it only me. Though, it never took me away from talking, sharing and feeling my baby in the womb.

Visit my OB, confirmed it's well - being. It also did give me an assurance, that yes, I was communicating with it. For, my communication that day, only had a request, " baby, do make a move, for me, please. To my surprise, he always did so.

My doctor, had me walk into delivery at 37 weeks of pregnancy, due to some medical aspect of my baby been big in contrast to my height and weight. The feeling is yet fresh. I remember how I was prepared for the new journey of my life as a Mother. I had mixed feelings. I was tense, worried, happy, excited and above all desperate to meet my baby. The nurses had me tied to various devices and machines. They looked for my baby's movement through ECG and wanted me to click over a button, each time I felt his kick.

This made me conscious and worried, which further lead me to communicate with him. It was 1:30 am. I touched my tummy which was trapped with belts and started doing, what I have termed it as" Mind talk" or commonly known as "Telepathy". I called him by the name I had decided,

Must Read: Bonding with the baby

"Please walk me through with you, so that I can feel you. Please listen to Mumma. "

"THUD", a kick. Baby, are you awake? Baby!

Thud, another kick. The kicks became more frequent with every word I spoke to him. This made me happy. Not to that forget the old tales, which kept me confused, of the bond, kept me away from the assurance of him, communicating with me.

There rang the bell and I was carried into the OT. The doctors and the medical team tried their best, to comfort me. At that moment, all that seemed to comfort me was my hand over him in my tummy. I kept talking to him. I asked him to be awake and alert, while he walked into the real world, into my arms. I welcomed him into the happy family. I asked him to be brave as he was going to be my strength for the rest of my days.

I had my husband beside me, who looked tenser than anyone else in that room. I could peep over a few glimpses, through the metal that was lite right above my head.I squeezed my husband's hand when I saw the doctor, pull him out. I could only see his head, full of hair. I could not wait to touch him. Suddenly, there was happiness all over. "Congo girl, you are blessed with a boy.

"HE WAS THERE. MY BABY, WAS HERE. My husband informed me that the doctors had to do nothing, to make him cry. He cried immediately. Just then, my OB led him over to me. I saw his little face, so innocent, dependent and like that of an angel.

To Know More: About Tips for Bonding With Your Unborn Baby

I called out to him. " TOJO" and he opened his eyes.

That was the moment of assurance, the moment of truth, the moment which makes a woman complete and indeed a magical moment which is strongly guided and looked upon by the ALMIGHTY, himself.

I immediately, knew, yes, I was right. He did know me all the while, I had the right feeling of him communicating back with me. Our journey had started even before, he was in my arms.  Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was spellbound. I yet cannot express my feelings. It only comes over as my eyes glitter to the stolen images, that have been captured in my heart forever.

That day I was hardly conscious. While I had him in my arms, I yet did feel my womb sometimes. I could not explain why. Though he was there with me, I seemed to miss something. I felt his kick, even after I had him in my arms. My womb seemed to cry while it missed him. Though my heart, mind, the soul seems to rejoice over every moment of him. Especially" his first look at my face on calling him by his name." On my later visit, my OB explained to me the meaning of "Lochia" and its origination. This left me baffled, for as shared earlier, my womb did feel to miss his presence.

Must Read: Bonding with Baby: Massages and Messages

I am sure, there are many more mothers out there, who have had similar feelings but have failed to rely upon them. Trust yourself. There is no one better than you, who knows the truth of the hour. Give yourself the treatment that you deserve. Give yourself the benefit of doubt and walk ahead with your instincts, because, here you are

The Mother of Your Baby growing in your Womb. The only difference has been in the words spoken while BONDING IN THE "WOMB

To Know More: About Planned Caesarean vs. Normal Delivery

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
  3. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Mumbai
  4. Top Gynecologists near me in Pune
  5. Best Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chandigarh
  6. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists near me in Gurgaon
  7. Best Gynecologists near me in Noida


Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bangalore
  2. Top Maternity Packages in Chennai
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