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Pregnancy leaves dazzling gifts in the most unassuming places such as a few extra pounds in the breasts, a radiant charm on the face and an inside-out belly button that shows that the girl has finally become a lady. Being pregnant is a blessing which completes a woman, but it also comes with some complications and morning sickness is one of them. However, morning sickness is not all that bad as women’s battling with this condition might have healthier and more intelligent babies.

Just because it is a common symptom doesn't mean that you will have to deal with it. Morning sickness is also sometimes called as NVP as it includes the traits of both nausea and vomiting. It generally troubles a woman between 4th and 16th week of her pregnancy, but some women may also suffer from it after the 20th week. Women who have to go through several successions of morning sickness in a day are reported to have a significant loss of weight which is not good for the baby’s health as well. Very few people know that it can be avoided by following some simple home remedies that can be afforded by everyone. Below is the list of top 5 remedies which are not only easy to avail but are also very effective.

The Five Remedies For Morning Sickness:

Mint Eating or sniffing something containing the fresh flavour of mint can reduce the effect of nausea significantly which further prevents the vomiting as well.

Right kind of food Eating the right type of food may also reduce the feeling of vomiting or nausea to a large extent. Try to avoid sweet, spicy and oily foods. Eat something at regular intervals as a growling stomach may also lead to vomiting. However, avoid eating in large proportions and if you feel like eating, prefer having crunchy toasts or crackers.

Acupressure Some people say that one can get instant relief from nausea and vomiting by pressing the right acupressure point located in between the tendons of your palm. There is no sufficient study or reports to prove this fact, but it is completely safe for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, one can try pressing this point in case of an emergency or unavailability of sufficient options.

Vitamin B6 There have been few cases where intake of vitamin B6 has reduced the symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. Including a little proportion of say 25mg of vitamin B6 in the prenatal vitamins can help you to overcome these issues. You may also eat bananas, fish, lean meat and other food materials which are rich in vitamin B6. However, we recommend not to consume it excess quantities as it may result in frequent headaches, lack of confidence, nervousness, stomach ache and such other problems in pregnant women.

Liquids Even if you are not able to stop the vomiting, do not worry as it happens and is completely natural for a pregnant woman. However, do not forget to replenish all the lost water from your body by consuming small amounts of liquids at regular intervals. If you feel like puking on tasting plain water, please flavour it with natural flavours such as lemon and then have it.

Conclusion Some rectifications in the diet with ample rest and sleep can help you overcome the morning sickness easily. Women who receive ample of love, care and support from the family members cope with it much better than the others. Morning sickness can seriously damage the quality of life of pregnant women, and therefore, the expecting mother should not be left alone at any cost during this period.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
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  5. Best Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chandigarh
  6. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists near me in Gurgaon
  7. Best Gynecologists near me in Noida


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