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Maternal Assisted C-Section - First Of It's Kind In India

Motherhood is no mean feat. It’s an extraordinary orchestration of physical powers and mental strength. Carrying a baby for nine months, protecting and putting the unborn baby’s interests before anything else, a woman becomes a mother even before she holds her baby close to her chest. The arrival of the baby transforms a woman into a soft, yet fierce personality, melting at even the newborn’s yawn and ready to fight a battle to protect the baby from even a single scratch. Therefore, how the baby arrives into this world should not be a topic of debate -- whether it’s a vaginal delivery or a cesarean birth -- the glory of becoming a mother is always at the same level.

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Many women are shamed for opting for an ‘easy’ delivery. Even before we talk about this particular case, here’s one thing that should be ingrained everywhere - no delivery is ‘easy’. Labour is tough and bringing a baby into this world is all that should matter.

Even if not for the comments from others, some women have a strong will to usher in their babies in the natural way, which is vaginally. For some, however, it might not be possible due to several medical reasons. Obstetricians weigh all the pros and cons through the number of tests they recommend and through their experience.

When Rasika came to consult with Doctor, she hoped to turn things around with her second pregnancy. Her first pregnancy with another hospital ending in cesarean, Rasika was very disappointed. She knew that only Doctor would be able to pull off a VBAC, or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.

One of the reasons why the Birthplace has become one of the most sought-after clinics for would-be mothers is because of the fact that the doctors almost always go beyond their call of duties. They find ways, even in the smallest ways, to listen to their patients, understand their desires and apprehensions and work around it in a way that the patients leave their worries behind and enjoy their pregnancy and childbirth.

Even though she made no tall promises, Doctor wanted to try her best to accommodate Rasika’s wishes of having a baby through normal delivery. The final decision guided by Dr. Pratibha’s experience and the situation at that time was pushing the decision along the lines of a cesarean birth. It was because of Cephalopelvic disproportion because of a big baby a decision fer cesarean was taken. Rasika was counselled  for repeat cesarean and she agreed knowing well that Doctor would have her reasons.

However, late at night when Doctor received a message from her very nervous about the c-section, Doctor knew in an instant that she wanted to give Rasika an experience that would be beyond her expectations. Recalling a case from Sydney, Australia that she had read about recently where a lady was allowed to deliver her own baby through C-Section, Doctor instructed her OT staff to be prepared as she would attempt something that’s a first not just at the Birthplace, but also in India.

The Rare Occasion: Maternal Assisted Cesarean Delivery

This first-time path-breaking procedure was attempted at a very short notice. With just the night to prepare, Doctor knew she had a challenge, but that’s what experience does - it instills confidence while carefully assessing all the risks. The preparations included everything to be sterile as Rasika would be pulling her own baby out. Apprehensive and nervous initially, the moment Rasika realised that Doctor was bending over backwards to honour her wishes, she soon became enthusiastic and confident.

Rasika was prepared and draped for surgery, with everything including her gloves being sterilised. It was decided that she would be given an epidural to facilitate the unique position that she would be in. Keeping her body elevated, almost in a sitting position, the team hit a snag with the cannula connected to the IV drip preventing Rasika from moving forward, but quick thinking by the nurses meant bringing a long connector to the cannula, preventing any restriction of movements. The challenge was also to prevent any infection.

Once that was sorted, with the help of the anesthesiologist, Doctor next challenge was to keep Rasika’s vitals stable and keep her conscious to perform the feat of pulling her own baby out. Constantly counselling her on all the steps, Doctors team were also on standby to receive the baby and complete the delivery in case Rasika would be unable to do it.

But then, with a great team, Droctor's medical prowess coupled with Rasika’s determination, the Birthplace witnessed something novel - a mother pulling out her own baby through c-section.  

Despite the lack of time and several challenges coming her way, Doctor was driven to make the cusp of motherhood extra special for Rasika. The culmination of taking a brave and bold decision, getting everything organised in the operation theatre for the smooth procedure, preparing the mother mentally for the job at hand and pulling off a medical first for the nation - Doctor Narayan was nothing short of stellar through the whole feat.

It’s doctors like her who stand out, who treat their patients with warmth and incredible compassion. At the Birthplace, we just took our care for our patients to a whole new level. The core value of doing anything to give mothers-to-be everything they want is something the Birthplace takes very seriously and Doctor is surely a pioneer of that thought process.  

Motherhood is precious and the Birthplace walks the extra mile to make it so, but with the health and safety of the mothers-to-be always in focus.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
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Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bengaluru
  2. Best Maternity Packages in Chandigarh
  3. Best Maternity Packages in Chennai
  4. Best Maternity Packages in Faridabad
  5. Best Maternity Packages in Gurugram
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  8. Best Maternity Packages in Mumbai
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