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December 3, 2020

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The winters are not so cold anymore but we must agree that the summers are certainly hotter. Here are 8 tips to beat the heat for all of us.

1. KYUN KI JAAL HE RELIEF HAI :When you think of the unbeatable heat the 1st thing that comes to your mind is water. Water flushes out toxins from the body and provides a cooling effect. So drinking 3 to 4 liters of fluids is a must as this will help in rejuvenating, refreshing us, any time of the day! Carry a bottle of water where ever you go and keep a couple of bottles filled with water at your work desk.

2. A COUPLE OF FRUITS A DAY, WILL KEEP THE HEAT AWAY :The other prominent food that can knock the heat is fresh fruit, be it a watermelon or a musk melon, a tender coconut or any other fresh juice. Fruits are powerhouses of different nutrients, are excellent detoxifiers apart from being protective.

3. THE VEGGIE DELIGHT :Veggies should be a part of your daily diet in the summer too – for combating diseases, supporting immune system. Taken as raw salads / cordial / cooked gravies, vegetables excel in their ability to help in thumping the heat. Indulging in a chilled cucumber -  mint juice or a carrot juice or fresh tomato –mint squash / Orange – Pomegranate crush are awesome revitalizing options!

4. THE MILK STORY: Chilled milk and milkshakes are one of the most delightful thirst- quenching summer drinks. Be it a plain glass of milk or a blend with fruit of your choice, it will not only serve as means of adding Calcium to your diet  but will also help you to keep you  hydrated. Buttermilk is yet another excellent, reviving summer drink because it provides the body with the required probiotics (as it is a byproduct of Curd), minerals and vitamins. It is also a very effective alternate for those who don’t tolerate or like milk!

5. CHAI… GARAM CHAI: Tea does give you a shot of energy on a long day. A steaming cup of herbal tea or green tea will stimulate your metabolism and can be ideally consumed any time in the day. Freshly made iced tea (not the sugary bottled ones) is also a workable thanda option!

6. OH SO SPICY: A moderate amount of spices , such as fresh ginger, red chilli , black pepper, initially warm you up, stimulating the heat receptors in the mouth, enhancing blood circulation, generating sweating. But don’t go too over board, especially in Summers as it might trigger an acidity or a heart burn.

7. THE SMALL AND FREQUENT :Eat small, frequent meals. The larger the meal, the more metabolic heat your body creates while breaking down the food. So grab small bites in between work like a salad or juice or even your favorite milkshake to have a continuous source of energy and not go on an empty stomach for too long. But do try and avoid foods that are heavy like red meat, in the day, that can disturb your digestion altogether.

8. LIKE A FISH IN THE WATER :Swimming, as a work-out, will not only cool your body but is also a very good cardio exercise which will help you to be as fit as a fiddle. Apart from all these, do remember to sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily, try and live a stress free life and choose healthy foods, natural foods that make your thoughts, mood, health and your performance better beyond doubts.

Happy Summer everyone!

Contributed by -

Nikita Mitra (Nutritionist, Cloudnine Old Airport Road & Whitefield)

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