We got married in june 2009 and like every other couple we also had a wish of becoming parents. One year down the line we started trying to conceive our child naturally , but it was a disappointment for us . the biological clock was ticking towards it course and every time we were left empty handed. After consulting almost everywhere & lot of so called “Top Notch Fertility experts “ , we were told that my AMH levels of Parathyroid hormones the quality of the egg were not good . and also being a diabetic both me and my husband, it was really difficult for me to conceive . The only solution other doctors gave us was surrogacy and that too with donor eggs. It took us a lot of time convince ourselves for this but at last we surrendered to our destiny. “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation. All things are one. when you want something : all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it- Paul Coelho”. The destiny actually commanded and we met Dr Bhavna. I still remember our first meeting with you Dr Bhavna with dampened spirits and very little hope to have our own biological child . After meeting you there was no looking back. Till date you are the only doctor who gave us confidence & faith that we will definitely have our own biological child. Still remember your words clearly “ We will definitely go ahead with your eggs: there’s no chance we will consider donor eggs’. This was a start of a new journey altogether – full of hope & high spirits. The term surrogacy itself is so much emotionally draining, the one who goes through it knows the best , but it was you Dr bhavna who gave me support, faith and a silver lining “ so what if you will not carry your babies, it will be your baby always”. “ I promise you , you will become a mother to your biological baby”. These words from you really healing properties. Trust me ! The First attempt through surrogacy failed though you and all of us had put our heart and soul into it. Still you did not let our faith weaken. This time you were extra cautious in everything, took control and care of the smallest of the details and kept us giving confidence also. Though in our heart we knew that this is our last chance. Then The miracle happened, I remember I was so scared to call you thinking bad luck will follow us again . But the destiny had something beautiful planned for us and our surrogate was expecting our baby. Rather babies (twins) which we got to know on the day of our first scan from then onwards we had our fingers crossed to the day when our twins came into this world. A baby girl and a baby boy.