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NICU- Providing the Utmost in Neonatal Care

Every mother aspires to a smooth, no-complication pregnancy. And this is undoubtedly feasible with proper assistance and aid. But occasionally, infants are born before the delivery time or after delivery, they develop a serious illness. Such premature children are sensitive to poor health conditions. Yet, thanks to the developments in medical science it has now become easier to take care of babies with such issues.

During such situations of premature baby birth or health concerns after their birth, a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) comes to the rescue. For babies, this is a fragile time, and they require care and aid. As a result, learning everything about Neonatal Intensive Care can help parents be more prepared for when their child will be admitted. Cloudnine, the best NICU Hospital, is committed to helping your baby with the best treatment. We provide the latest medical care that not only ensures saving lives but also makes a smooth transition for you.

Best Neonatal Care Hospital in Pune

When it comes to your baby, of course, you want to go to the best doctor who has the experience and a cure. Cloudnine, known as the Best Neonatal Care Hospital in Pune, has specially designed intensive care units and equipment with the latest technology to provide necessary medical support for vulnerable babies.

Our NICU comes with trained nurses, dietitians, doctors and neonatal specialists that deal with newborn care. From 24 weeks of gestation onward, we offer specialist nursery care for infants at Cloudnine. In our NICU, premature infants born before 37 weeks of pregnancy and after 24 weeks of gestation are evaluated clinically and given care until they can be moved to the ward.

Cloudnine’s NICU – A Certified Unit by National Neonatology Forum

Cloudnine, ‍the Best Children’s Hospital in Pune, is also highly regarded as having a team of the Best Paediatricians in town. The National Neonatology Forum has granted our neonatal intensive care unit Degree III certification, the highest level of intensive care. It is equipped with the most cutting-edge machinery in the world, such as GE Giraffe incubators, and all the facilities necessary to care for unwell infants, including ventilation, HFOV and Nitric Oxide among others.

What to Expect in the NICU?

It could seem intimidating when you first see your child in this highly specialised division of the Children's Hospital. Understanding how the NICU functions may make it simpler for you to manage the situation so you can focus on caring for your baby.

Babies in the NICU can easily catch infections like colds, flu and diarrhoea, so all visitors need to sanitise their hands before they enter. We make sure that each visitor uses soap and water or antibacterial gels. NICUs are usually quiet and calm places, so babies are not dazzled by noise and light. Our experts handle babies with care and with as little noise as possible.

To keep babies' bodies at the right temperature, we use incubators or heated cots. Our other equipment to help them in other conditions include:

  • A ventilator to help with breathing
  • Tubes in their veins are utilised to administer fluids and medicines
  • A monitor is attached to a baby's body to check its heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen level

With our NICU services, we hope to assist families through their child's hospitalisation and motivate parents to participate in their child's care. The neonatal intensive care unit's qualified doctors, intensive care experts, trained nurses and other caregivers do their utmost to support the parents emotionally while attending to their infant's medical requirements.

Our NICU team is involved at an early stage to plan the neonatal care of babies born to these moms, and our professional obstetricians and specialised foetal medicine teams are skilled in dealing with mothers who have challenging pregnancies. Considered the best child specialists in Pune, we collaborate closely with our maternity centre to offer pregnant women and their unborn children a full prenatal service.

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Videos by our doctors

What causes excessive crying in newborns? How parents can manage it? I Dr. Manish Ramteke
"One of the most common and troubling issue for parents is inconsolable crying in the babies. There are various reason which causes crying in the babies. The common ones are hunger, second is a soiled or a wet nappy, third is a gassy tummy and the fourth is a blocked nose. First two things are easily managed at home. For gassy tummy, colic drops will definitely help, while for a blocked nose, saline nasal drops will help at home only. However if the baby is not responding to the above mentioned measures, then I might be that it is re serious and the baby needs to be shown to a doctor urgently. Sometimes it happens that the baby has some intestinal issues which leads to uncontrollable crying or it is some unnoticed injury that is hidden and causes excessive crying in the baby. In some cases excessive crying is because of some colic pain and despite all the redial measures, it can happen that the baby keeps on crying. The baby will accept feeds and the baby will be highly irritable. However in such patient, there is not much to be done, just wait and watch and it depends on the patients of the parents to keep on trying to console the baby"
Can baby stop breathing from a stuffy nose? I Dr. Manish Ramteke
"In newborns the nasal congestion is very common. If the congestion is too severe, then it is possible that the baby is not able to breathe at all. As it is known that the babies are compulsorily nose breathers. Though they keep their mouth open, they are not able to breathe through their mouth. Also when the baby is feeding. They can’t breathe through their mouth. So it is very important that the babies’ nasal passage is open for them to breathe normally. When the nose is excessively blocked, the babies are highly irritable and they keep on crying, they have very difficulty in feeding as they enable to have any breathing efforts at all. In these conditions, it is important that the nasal congestion is relieved at the earliest. Nasal drops will help at home but if the nasal congestion is not relieved with the use of nasal drops, it is important that the babies rush to the hospital and the nasal passage is cleared as early as possible. Blocked nose is a minor condition, but it looks as a serious condition, when the baby manifest with the symptoms. However as soon as the nose is cleared, the baby is back to normal, in a matter of seconds"
How to get rid of a baby's congestion? I Dr. Manish Ramteke
"In newborns the congestion of the nose is very normal. That is because the babies have a lot of nasal secretion and also babies usually vomit after feeds. That cause nasal blockage. The best sleeping position or any newborn is on their back, what we call as supine sleeping position. The nasal congestion can manifest in the form of noisy breathing what the parents might notice, like vibrations in the chest, whistling like sound or noisy snoring like sound when the baby breathes. Sometimes it can manifest in the form of whistling like sounds also. Sometimes the treatment of nasal congestion is putting saline nasal drops in the baby’s nose. It can be put as frequently as required and it is very safe. Nasal congestion can be treated with the use of saline nasal drops which can be put at home. Sometimes the nasal congestion is too much and it doesn’t respond to normal saline nasal drops. At that time the baby can be brought to the hospital and the nose can be cleared with the help of a vacuum suction to clear the airway"
Respiratory Distress Syndrome | Signs and Symptoms I Dr. Manish Ramteke
"Respiratory Distress Syndrome known as RDS is a breathing disorder found in premature infants, the condition which is found in premature infants, the condition is because of the immaturity of the lungs and the definitely of the chemical called as surfactant in the lungs. The condition manifests in the form of rapid and shallow efforts in the baby. Also the baby has indrawing of the chest when the baby breathes and the baby manifests in the form of rapid and shallow breathing efforts. The baby makes a grunt like sound when the baby exhales and the baby has indrawing of chest when the baby breathes. Also the baby has flaring of the nostrils. These conditions are because of the condition of the lungs collapses when the baby breathes in and this condition can be treated with the use of ventilators, CPAP and artificial surfactant which helps the lungs to expand and the baby maintains oxygen levels in the body. The RDS can last from few days to a few weeks. It depends on the prematurity of the baby . If the baby is born at 24 weeks the condition can last for a few days to few weeks. However if the baby is born at 32 or 34 weeks of gestation the condition will last maximum for 2 to 3 days"
Is air purifier safe for boosting newborn's immunity? I Dr. Manish Ramteke
"As such there are no studies which have shown that the use of air purifiers at home helps in boosting the newborn's immunity. However it is an individual preference and if the parents prefer to use air purifiers at home. However it has been showed that the use of air purifiers can definitely help in babies who have allergy to dust, mite and air pollens. However in babies who are born premature, their lungs are susceptible for infection and it might be advisable to use air purifiers at home for whatever advantage it might give to the baby"

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