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Top Tips For Preparing Your Kids For The First Day Of School

December 3, 2020

The first day at school is a turning point for both the parents and children. The thought of your children’s first day at school fills you with separation anxiety. However, trust us, it’s neither easy for your kids. The first day at school, away from home, may be a difficult time for your children. They might feel hesitant within the new place around unknown faces.

To avoid such scenario, prepare your children for school beforehand. This will help them to feel more confident about the big change. This may help them know what to expect from their school and additionally, may develop a love for learning.

Image source: Yahoo

Here are some tips and strategies that moms and dads can use to get through to make their child’s first day and first week of learning a positive one:

Get your child familiar with the general idea of school...

1. Adjusting to pre-school may be tough for your tiny ones. So make your kids familiar with the idea of schooling beforehand. Make them aware of why schooling is important and how much fun it is to go to the school.

2. Explain them the positive aspects of schooling. But, keep the conversation fun. You definitely won’t like your children being scared of the idea of schooling. Reassure your children that preschool is a good place where they will have fun and learn.

3. Ask them about their opinion on schools. Answer their questions regarding school patiently. This helps children feel more in control and reduces their anxiety about going to school.

4. Monitor your children’s response to the conversations you do with them about the schools. Analyzing their body language and actions while conversation, this can give you an overall idea about how your kids take the idea of going to school.

Give him a sense of what to expect…

5. If possible, take your children to the school once or twice beforehand. Make them acquainted with the surroundings and teachers so that they don’t feel out of the world on the D-day. Play with him on the school playground, visit the library and read him some story books there. These visits might increase your child’s comfort with and confidence in the new school.

Preparing Emotionally and Practically…

6. Reassure them that you are there if any problem arises at school. Let your children know that their worries have been heard.  No matter how big or small the worries are, their worries will be solved by you.

7. Encourage your children to do things on their own. Let them learn how to button their shirt, tie their shoelaces, comb their hair, wash their hands, unwraps the food, open their drinking water bottle etc.

8. Make them feel that you are there for them. Help them pack their school bags with lunch, snacks, drinks, etc. Take them to the school by yourself. Show them where you will meet them once the school is over. And once the day ends at school, check with your kids regarding their day at school.

9. Arrange the play dates or events where your children get time to spend with other children. This will help your children’s social and emotional development and prepare them for the school atmosphere.

Do you have any other tips or tricks you use to prepare for the first day of school? Share them in the comments section below!

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